Macbeth Resources
In popular theater lore, this play is actually cursed. How or why this curse came about is lost to the rumor mill, but because of this, most people will say The Scottish Tragedy, or more informally, “Mackers” (except the Director, because they’re apparently OK with tempting fate)
We have cut some of the play and some of the characters (also, spoilers, I guess?)
Click For:
No Fear Shakespeare (with modern translation)
Dramatis Personae or Who Are These People
A Lexicon or What Do These Words Mean?
Some Common Words You Might Not Be Familiar With:
Thane: an old Scottish title of honor, nearly equivalent to Earl
Trammel: A trammel means both a kind of draw net and a contrivance for teaching horses to pace or amble.
Hell-kite: A bird of prey
Tarquin: CW for Sexual Assault-It’s a reference to this guy
Heath: an area of open uncultivated land, especially in Britain, with characteristic vegetation of heather, gorse, and coarse grasses.
In writing Macbeth, Shakespeare created/used the following words or phrases for the first time in English:
The Be All and End All
Click —> For More Words That Derive, at least in part, from this play
People will tell you that Shakespeare invented the word assassin or assassinate, but this would be a lie.
But he DID create the form of the word, assassination. So, he’s got that going for him, I guess.